Saturday, August 10, 2013

But God....why can't I?

We all have things that we (our flesh) love to do, even though we know that the Bible speaks against those desires. We may really like getting high every now and then, getting wasted, gossiping (guilty!!), having sex outside of the confines of marriage, stealing, etc. Those things feel good, they appeal to our flesh. The more and more we do them, the more we like it! Why? That's how Satan operates. If he can get us to give just a little, he knows that he can wreak havoc in our lives. We may fail a drug test and lose our job, we may get a DWI, we may get an incurable STD, we may get arrested...all this are ways that the feel-good trap of sin may ruin our lives. None of those things may happen, but if we continue to sin repeatedly, we can cause our relationship with God to suffer. No, none of us are perfect, we will always sin, but let us not use that as an excuse. Yes, God knows our heart...but He also knows our actions! Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" So let's not think that God knowing our hearts is going to excuse any bad behavior. 

The more we continue to sin and fight against the Holy Spirit's pulling and nagging (we can call this guilt or our "conscience."), the less sensitive we will become to that pulling and nagging. We can end up with what the Bible refers to as seared conscience--when we no longer feel guilty when we do wrong (1 Tim 4:2). Likewise, God will give us over to a reprobate mind, so that we will do what out not to be done (found in Romans 1).

Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. By drawing us into a life of unrepentant sin, he steals and kills our joy, our prayer life, our walk. He can even destroy our purpose. If you don't believe that, take the time to reacquaint yourself with the story of Samson (located in the Book of Judges).

Many of us don't understand why God calls some of our sins wrong. What's wrong with getting drunk? What's wrong with stealing, after all this company is rich...a $100 won't set them back! Why is this relationship considered wrong when I love this person? It's simple, it's not God's best for us. God created us in His image and then sent His son to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled to Him. 

Why? Because it is not His best for us. After all, isn't that what we want? We should live our lives pressing toward achieving God's best for us--to have a close personal relationship with Him, to walk i our purpose and to lead others to Christ. The things that God forbids isn't because He's some fun-hating tyrant! No! It's because He's a loving that knows what's best for His children. 

In high school, would have loved to be able to stay up all night watching television and talking on the phone. But Sandra didn't play that. Why? Because she knew that I needed rest so that I could drive safely to school, to be attentive in class and give my best effort. She knew what was BEST! Of course Jeremiah would rather watch Ninja Turtles all day (the same episode REPEATEDLY) rather than work on his letters. But that's not what's BEST for him!

Everything that is permissible is not profitable (1 Cor 10:23). So, let us start trusting God that He can remove the sinful desires from us! But, until then...remember that His grace is sufficient!

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