Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Blood Moon

The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the lord arrives. (Acts of the Apostles 2:20 NLT)

I wasn't able to see the beautiful Blood Moon last night due to extreme weather. But I promise that I spent many moments pondering on what this meant. Is the end of the world here? Does this signal the beginning of the end? Or is this just a random scientific occurrence? 

I would be crazy not to see the significance of this. Especially with the moon coinciding with Passover. After all, it's 30 degrees tonight...in April...in the Deep South. Get real!

See, for as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with End Time prophecy! I have researched and studied and studied and researched. What did I find out? Do you really want to know?

What I learned is that while the end of the age is important, what's most important is that we are prepared for Christ's return at every moment. We as a people are always looking for signs. Jesus said that it is a wicked and adulterous generation that asks for a sign (Matthew 12:39). Why did He say that? Because we want to know how much time we have left so that we can get our fill of sin and then repent at the last possible moment.

How arrogant of us. How do we know we will live to see the end. We could die tomorrow. I could die while writing this. You could die while reading this. We are but a vapor, a mist. Here today, gone the next. We have to prepare for our eternity NOW. Don't wait until it's too late. Tomorrow may never come. 

Yes, the end of the world is surely coming. Christ's return will be glorious!! But it could be 100 years from now....or it could be one year from now.

I still research and study, because it's important to know what will happen. But it's more important to know where we will spend eternity. I want to spend my forever always with Jesus. Do you? Invite Him in and be sure.......