Monday, July 29, 2013

Is the Past the Past?

So, I ran across this quote on Pinterest on yesterday. I've been thinking and thinking about it. I've gone back and forth in regards to its validity. We all know girls who were labeled this way. Sadly, many of them have been unable to escape their pasts. It seems that it doesn't matter how they've changed or what they accomplished. Many of them have forever been labeled by things they did in high school or college. It seems as if its the nature of people to judge others when they are or were at their worst. 

I've done it. You've probably done it. Thank God that we serve a Father who loves us far too much to leave us where we are. We all have pasts. All of us. Some people's pasts may be a title dirtier than others....but it's dirty nonetheless. 

The people God chose for His greatest works had dirty pasts. Abraham. David the murdering adulterer. Paul hunted Christians. The woman at the well told all about Jesus and many were saved as a result. The greater the problem, the greater the promise.The list goes on and on.

Let us start with in the Virgin Mary. Of course, her past wasn't marred with actual sexual immorality. But people in her village assumed that it was. After all, she got pregnant while she was engaged to another man. If this was to happen today, can you imagine the blogs posts and magazine articles? She was judged by assumptions, yet she went on to give birth to the Lamb.

Mary Magdalene is often called a woman who was a prostitute. I don't believe there is anything that supports that theory. But what we do know is that she was cleaned of seven demons. Jesus met her where she was and changed her life. Totally. She was the woman who anointed his feet with expensive oil. She also stood by Jesus until the end. She was present at the crucifixion, when most of the disciples where nowhere to be found. She was also the first person that the resurrects Jesus appeared to. How's that for forgiveness?

The woman at the well was a woman that changed men like Dwight Howard changes basketball teams--often. And yet, Jesus didn't judge her. He met her where she was and changed her. 

So, no...this quote should not be true. Even if people bring up your past (and the enemy will) just remember that God doesn't see your past....He sees the blood of Jesus when He looks at you. Let's love and not judge. Encourage and not condemn.

Have you prayed for them as much as you've talked about them? I know I haven't and I know I need to do better.

What if we were constantly judged based on past moral failures?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The thirst

As little girls, we often dream of our wedding day. It is deeply ingrained in most of us to desire a husband and children. I literally had my wedding planned by 2000. I got married in 2007 and I didn't even have a wedding.

Sometimes we, as females, let desiring a husband take over our minds. It becomes our main focus. I'm terribly guilty of this. When I first started really reading my Bible and cultivating a relationship with God, I allowed my focus to shift to desiring a husband. What's sad is that at the time I was definitely not prepared to be anybody's wife. 

When I got married, I STILL wasn't ready. Why? Because I spent all that time say dreaming about marriage instead of actually working on myself. Being impatient is not God's plan for our lives. It is so important that during our single time that we focus completely on Christ and let Him begin a work in us. 

A lot of us have deep seeded issues that must be worked out so that they won't cause havoc in a marriage. We should be spending that time working on our issues and not daydreaming and thirsting after a man! Sadly, many of us have allowed a husband or marriage to become an idol. Instead of worshipping the Creator, we are worshipping the idea of marriage. That's not the way to go, trust me. 

Wait patiently. And while you wait, focus on God and becoming whole. 

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." 
Psalm 37:4-5

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What's in a Name??

Most people who know me well know that Jeremiah was given my Papa's initials (JB). I simply adored my grandfather and wanted nothing more than to honor him in that way. What I didn't expect was for Jeremiah to be so much like Papa! Yes, my son has characteristics of someone that he never had the pleasure of meeting. What characteristics? Jeremiah never meets a stranger! He talks to everyone that he sees. And I mean everyone. Also, he has a temper. He likes to show off his possessions. 

I have wondered and wondered how this happened. I came to a conclusion--I spoke it into existence. I call Jeremiah "JB" on a regular basis. I tell him about Papa. I SPOKE it. 

Then I began to wonder how many times we speak things into our lives.  We say we're broke...and then wonder why we're broke. We say we'll never find a mate...and then complain about still being single. We say, "I don't think this business will work," and then wonder why it fails quickly. We have to stop speaking death and start speaking life!! Change your words, change your life! 

After all, God SPOKE the world into existence. If that same power lives within us and our words are constantly words of defeat, death and negativity, can we really he surprised when all falls down?

"The tounge has power of life and death; those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18:21

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Just the beginning!

I guess this is technically my first blog entry. Nothing special..just wanted to say that I'll probably update weekly (not sure what day yet). I'm aware that I don't have followers yet, but I'm mainly doing this to have a record of what I do with my kids on a day to day basis. There's no method to my madness. I'll post funny things that happen, Bible verses that may be Inspiring me at the time, devotions, pictures of my family, etc. 

Coming soon!