Thursday, September 15, 2016
Good, good Father
I heard a song on the radio the other day and I have literally been listening to it in repeat since then. It's called "Good good Father" by Chris Tomlinson. It's MY song. It has spoken to my heart in a way that no other song has before.
Growing up, I didn't have a relationship with my dad. To be honest, I didn't even know who he was. I can remember always wondering and longing for that relationship. I had an amazing grandfather. He was more than I could have ever wanted. He was there for me every step of the way. But it didn't feel that void that was left by a man that I didn't even know. I ended up meeting my dad one cold day when I was fifteen. To say it was awkward is the understatement of the century. The next day, he picked me up from school and took me to meet his mom and the rest of the family. It was even more awkward. And then after that, things just went back to normal. I would hear from him sometimes. He brought a birthday card to my school for me on my 16th birthday.
I built up a resentment towards my dad and many times I wish that I had never even met him. The entire situation left me bitter and confused. It wasn't until I was pregnant with my daughter in 2012 that I really started to build a relation nail with him. It's still awkward, but I no longer have resentment towards him. The hurt is still there and I assume that it will always be. He missed just about every major event in my life, even after I met him. He wasn't at my high school graduation, college graduation, etc. He has his reasons as to why he wasn't in my life and I respect that. My father didn't know his father. He didn't even know his name until he had to have it to sign up for the Marines. As a boy, I know that was hard for him. Like me, he had an amazing grandfather, but that doesn't fill the void.
As much as this has hurt me over my life, it has made me. It is the reason that I am who I am. And now, I realize that I had a Father all along. He has been there every step of the way. Loving on me. Loving me, even when I have been unlovable. Loving me even when I have rejected His love. He delights in me and I'm the apple of His eye. He's a Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). And that makes me smile.
I gain a lot of satisfaction from watching the relationship that my children have with my husband. He dances with our daughter and lets her know that she is beautiful and that he loves her. He prays that God allows him to live long enough to see her get married. He teaches our son so many things and he just genuinely loves being around him. They are best friends and I just smile when I think about it. He's such a good father.
But God is a good, good Father.
I invite you to check out the song!
Good, good Father
I heard a song on the radio the other day and I have literally been listening to it in repeat since then. It's called "Good good Father" by Chris Tomlinson. It's MY song. It has spoken to my heart in a way that no other song has before.
Growing up, I didn't have a relationship with my dad. To be honest, I didn't even know who he was. I can remember always wondering and longing for that relationship. I had an amazing grandfather. He was more than I could have ever wanted. He was there for me every step of the way. But it didn't feel that void that was left by a man that I didn't even know. I ended up meeting my dad one cold day when I was fifteen. To say it was awkward is the understatement of the century. The next day, he picked me up from school and took me to meet his mom and the rest of the family. It was even more awkward. And then after that, things just went back to normal. I would hear from him sometimes. He brought a birthday card to my school for me on my 16th birthday.
I built up a resentment towards my dad and many times I wish that I had never even met him. The entire situation left me bitter and confused. It wasn't until I was pregnant with my daughter in 2012 that I really started to build a relation nail with him. It's still awkward, but I no longer have resentment towards him. The hurt is still there and I assume that it will always be. He missed just about every major event in my life, even after I met him. He wasn't at my high school graduation, college graduation, etc. He has his reasons as to why he wasn't in my life and I respect that. My father didn't know his father. He didn't even know his name until he had to have it to sign up for the Marines. As a boy, I know that was hard for him. Like me, he had an amazing grandfather, but that doesn't fill the void.
As much as this has hurt me over my life, it has made me. It is the reason that I am who I am. And now, I realize that I had a Father all along. He has been there every step of the way. Loving on me. Loving me, even when I have been unlovable. Loving me even when I have rejected His love. He delights in me and I'm the apple of His eye. He's a Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). And that makes me smile.
I gain a lot of satisfaction from watching the relationship that my children have with my husband. He dances with our daughter and lets her know that she is beautiful and that he loves her. He prays that God allows him to live long enough to see her get married. He teaches our son so many things and he just genuinely loves being around him. They are best friends and I just smile when I think about it. He's such a good father.
But God is a good, good Father.
I invite you to check out the song!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Blood Moon
The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the lord arrives. (Acts of the Apostles 2:20 NLT)
I wasn't able to see the beautiful Blood Moon last night due to extreme weather. But I promise that I spent many moments pondering on what this meant. Is the end of the world here? Does this signal the beginning of the end? Or is this just a random scientific occurrence?
I would be crazy not to see the significance of this. Especially with the moon coinciding with Passover. After all, it's 30 degrees the Deep South. Get real!
See, for as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with End Time prophecy! I have researched and studied and studied and researched. What did I find out? Do you really want to know?
What I learned is that while the end of the age is important, what's most important is that we are prepared for Christ's return at every moment. We as a people are always looking for signs. Jesus said that it is a wicked and adulterous generation that asks for a sign (Matthew 12:39). Why did He say that? Because we want to know how much time we have left so that we can get our fill of sin and then repent at the last possible moment.
How arrogant of us. How do we know we will live to see the end. We could die tomorrow. I could die while writing this. You could die while reading this. We are but a vapor, a mist. Here today, gone the next. We have to prepare for our eternity NOW. Don't wait until it's too late. Tomorrow may never come.
Yes, the end of the world is surely coming. Christ's return will be glorious!! But it could be 100 years from now....or it could be one year from now.
I still research and study, because it's important to know what will happen. But it's more important to know where we will spend eternity. I want to spend my forever always with Jesus. Do you? Invite Him in and be sure.......
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Sweet Temptation
I've been a candy connoseiour for as long as I can remember. I remember my Uncle Junebug (yes, Junebugs actually exist) bringing me caramel candies on a regular basis. That led to lemon drops, red hots and my all-time favorite--Hot Tamales. Y'all, they are my weakness! Everyone who knows me closely can attest to that!
It didn't stop at just candy, it carried over to all sweets--cakes, brownies, etc. I literally could go an entire day eating only sweets. Although I could, it's definitely not beneficial. It reminds me of a scripture--
You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything. (1 Corinthians 6:12 NLT)
It's true. I admit. I have an addiction to sweets. I became a slave to it. I'm a slave because I allowed something to control me. And although sweets are okay in moderation, it's definitely not okay in large doses.
What's your addiction? It doesn't have to be something bad. It's anything that you can't control, something that takes your focus off of priorities. Is it social media? Alcohol? Gossip? Money?
I invite you to give it over to God. It won't be easy. But it will be worth it. I'm on my fifth day without sweets and it has been tough. But God's Grace is sufficient in my weakness.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Can't Get Right
I gathered all of my newly purchased water jugs. I labeled each in ways so that I will have guzzled down a full gallon of water each day. I knew it was a stretch because I'm not particularly a water fanatic.
I was determined that hunger would catch me off guard, so I unthawed my already-seasoned chicken breast and prepared the salad to go long with it.
I was determined to eat healthy and live healthy. There was one thing standing in my way--the leftover cake in the fridge and the gallon of Blue Bell ice cream in the freezer. Panic started to set in. What would I do? Well, a little cake wouldn't necessarily hurt. Except I knew I would never probably have just a little. It wouldn't necessarily throw me off course.
I played scenarios out in my head. The right way seemed boring and constrictive. The wrong way--to eat just a little cake and ice cream seemed justifiable and not too bad. While weighing the pros vs. cons, I never thought about the consequences of negative actions, I only saw that I would be scratching that sweet itch and satisfying my flesh. I decided to eat the cake.
And afterwards, I felt absolutely horrible. I decided that the day was already ruine and that I might as well fully indulge in bad behavior. It was at that point that the consequences began to cross my mind. The fact that heart disease is so prevalent in my family. It was then that I recalled the new study that said excessive sugar could lead to heart disease. And that cake and ice cream was excessive.
Isn't that how Satan does us when we are struggling with sin? After all, in the Garden of Eden, he presented Eve with the "good side" of disobeying God. He failed to mention the consequences. Once we give into sin, we can feel helpless and hopeless. In our minds, we might as well fully indulge, since we gave in already. Romans 6:1-2 says, "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"
We have to pick ourselves up and try again. Continue on the with good fight. It's hard to resist temptation, but it's so worth it. "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded." (James 4:7, 8 NIV) God wants to take us to higher heights and deeper depths. We can't allow tricks of the enemy to block our blessings. Stand strong and tall and fully depend on God.
It's not worth the low feeling of guilt that we feel after we fall. But we know that He's right there to pick us up. We don't deserve a love like that, but He's willing to freely give it to us.
And remember, He provides a way of escape...we just have to want to accept the way out. "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV)
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
What does it mean to "love the world?"
It's a Bible verse that we all have (or probably have) heard. It's mentioned in our churches. In our conversations. We can quote it verbatim. But do we REALLY understand what it means?
What is "the world?" Does John (the writer of 1 John) mean the earth? No. What is it then? The world, in this writing, means the evil in the world. This is the world that Satan dominates. It includes things that oppose the Kingdom of God.
1 John goes on to say, "For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world." (1 John 2:16 NIV)
So the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride if life are things that oppose God.
The lust of the flesh is pretty simple to describe. It's the desire for anything that is forbidden by God. This can be fornication, adultery, homosexual sex, drugs, drunkenness, hatred, jealousy, etc. "The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:19-21 NIV)
The lust of the eyes is also something many of us can describe. It's desiring the things that we see in the world. Let me clarify, there is nothing wrong with desiring a better life. What makes some desires wrong is our motives. There's one thing to want more money in order to provide for our families. It's a completely different situation when we desire more income in order to place ourselves above others. When we desire to be "big shots" in order to "stunt," we turn money into an idol. The Bible says we can't serve God and money. And it's absolutely right. The love of money positions itself as a total opposite of the love of God. Check your motives.
There are many different theories as to what "the pride of life" is. I believe that the pride of life is a life saturated with arrogance. One that is totally self-centered and does not glorify God for it's accomplishments.
All of these things are in direct violation of the word of God. Thankfully, we serve a mighty who loves us. Let's turn our backs to the things of this world and serve God wholeheartedly. After all, "The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." (1 John 2:17 NIV)
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Crock Pot White Chicken Chilli
So, I decided to switch things up and post a few recipes here and there. Last night, we had white chicken chili for dinner. It was so good!!!
I found the recipe on pinterest (duh, I'm hooked on Pinterest)! Follow me on Pinterest
I decided to make a few changes in the recipe. You can find the original recipe here
Of course, I didn't remember to take a picture until we started eating! Here's the picture from the original recipe.

Ingredients for Chilli:
1 1/2 lbs of uncooked chicken breasts cut into 1-2" chunks
Two 15 oz cans of white beans (White kidney beans)
One 15 oz can of white corn (can substitute with sweet yellow corn)
1/2 onion chopped (I used the sweet yellow onion)
One clove of garlic, finely chopped
Two packages of taco seasoning (I used McCormick. I notice that other brands tend to be super salty.)
One 7 oz can of chopped green chiles
One can of cream of chicken soup (small can)
One 14 oz can of chicken broth
Ingredients for Topping:
1/2 cup of sour cream
Shredded cheese (I used Colby Jack and Cheddar)
Place cut up chicken in the bottom of your crock pot. Add beans, corn and onion on top of the chicken. In a bowl, mix the chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, green chiles, garlic and chopped garlic. Once mixed, pour into crock pot. I cooked the chili on high for about 4 1/2 hours. Afterwards, I placed it on low for 3 1/2, for a total of 8 hours.
Using a fork, I broke up the chicken pieces. I didn't drain the beans or corn prior to cooking because I wanted to serve the chili with rice. If you want to serve with tortilla chips or crackers, drain the beans and corn prior to pouring them into the crock pot.
Pour the shredded cheese on top of the chili. Next, place a dollop of sour cream to finish it off. The original recipe garnished the chili with finely chopped cilantro. I skipped that step, but will likely do it the next time I made it.
I really like crock pot cooking. Clean up is super easy if you use the crock pot liners.
I found the recipe on pinterest (duh, I'm hooked on Pinterest)! Follow me on Pinterest
I decided to make a few changes in the recipe. You can find the original recipe here
Of course, I didn't remember to take a picture until we started eating! Here's the picture from the original recipe.
Ingredients for Chilli:
1 1/2 lbs of uncooked chicken breasts cut into 1-2" chunks
Two 15 oz cans of white beans (White kidney beans)
One 15 oz can of white corn (can substitute with sweet yellow corn)
1/2 onion chopped (I used the sweet yellow onion)
One clove of garlic, finely chopped
Two packages of taco seasoning (I used McCormick. I notice that other brands tend to be super salty.)
One 7 oz can of chopped green chiles
One can of cream of chicken soup (small can)
One 14 oz can of chicken broth
Ingredients for Topping:
1/2 cup of sour cream
Shredded cheese (I used Colby Jack and Cheddar)
Place cut up chicken in the bottom of your crock pot. Add beans, corn and onion on top of the chicken. In a bowl, mix the chicken broth, cream of chicken soup, green chiles, garlic and chopped garlic. Once mixed, pour into crock pot. I cooked the chili on high for about 4 1/2 hours. Afterwards, I placed it on low for 3 1/2, for a total of 8 hours.
Using a fork, I broke up the chicken pieces. I didn't drain the beans or corn prior to cooking because I wanted to serve the chili with rice. If you want to serve with tortilla chips or crackers, drain the beans and corn prior to pouring them into the crock pot.
Pour the shredded cheese on top of the chili. Next, place a dollop of sour cream to finish it off. The original recipe garnished the chili with finely chopped cilantro. I skipped that step, but will likely do it the next time I made it.
I really like crock pot cooking. Clean up is super easy if you use the crock pot liners.
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